Sorry for the late posting on this... it's been a busy week! This week we welcomed the arrival of our Sydney Rae. After some compliations in delivery, an emergency c-section, and an emotional rollar coaster ride, she was born at 7:37pm, Monday May 18th, weighing in at 7 lbs 2 oz and is 18.5 in long.
As it turns out, Sydney had the umbilical cord wrapped tightly around her neck and it was keeping her stuck in place at the very end of the birth canal. Her vitals dropped quickly and the situation quickly changed as we were rushed to surgery. A c-section was performed and as a result of Sydney's positioning, Jamie suffered a bit of extra internal tearing as Sydney was pulled free. As a result, Jamie lost a significant amount of blood while the doctor worked to get the bleeding stopped. Sydney was having a little difficulty breathing at first, but her vitals perked up.
After a few more days in recovery, a couple units of new blood, and lots of good medications, Jamie and Sydney were both released to go home. Both Jamie and Sydney are doing well here at home. Sydney has a case of the Jaundice but it seems to be getting better. Jamie is gaining more strength each day and is doing well (as long as I keep her pumped with meds!)
Sydney is a beautiful addition to our little family. We can already tell some personality differences between her and Saylor. Saylor is our little wild child, and it looks like Sydney may be the mellow one. Saylor seems to be taking very well to her new little sister's arrival. We can't really tell yet who Sydney favors more in terms of her looks. We'll see!
Here are some of the pictures we have so far...