We are participating in this year's JDRF walk here in Idaho Falls this coming Saturday, the 12th. Just about all of us has a friend or family member who has diabetes, or you may even have it yourself. JDRF is a great organization that aids research to better treat and cure this disease.
We are despartely trying to raise more contributions for our upcoming walk! We had a great turnout last year, exceeding our goals, and we hope to do the same again this year. Please feel free to donate as little or as much as you are willing. Donating is quick and easy and you can do it from the comfort of your chair! Just click the following link: http://walk.jdrf.org/walker.cfm?id=87439899 and take a few seconds to help a great cause.
To find out more about the JDRF's involvment to cure juvenile diabetes, just logon to www.jdrf.org.